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January 2017 Minutes  
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Board Minutes
January 11 , 2017

Board Members Attending: Janice Andrews, Norm Gamache, Diane Gamache, Dick Ficke, Allen Gould, Abby O'Haire, Joan Kenney, Barbara Reily, Russ Griffin, Peter DeVeau, Barry Chisholm, Liz Huges

Member Attending: Dan Andrews


Motion to approve December Minutes

First Diane

Second Allen

All in favor

The Treasurer's Report was discussed. The funds have been received from the Shooting Star group. Cash flow is good.

Motion to accept Treasurer's Report

First Norm

Second Russ

All in favor

Motion to donate $500 to Tin Mountain in memory of Director Michael Cline.

First Joe

Second Abby

All in favor.

Cards have been sent to current District Governor and past Governor who have recently been ill.

The previous tabled item which was a request for MD campership has been removed from consideration due to lack of a response to a request for more information.

Motion to donate $1000 to local family experiencing hardship due to medical reasons.

First Joe

Second Norm

No vote taken.

Motion amended to split amount into $250 for gas, $250 for food and $500 for fuel assistance.

First Russ

Second Diane

All in favor.

A request was received from the Kennett Middle School Helmet Fund for 67 bicycle helmets for $640.15. Dick will check with local vendors and Velo Club to see if helmets can be found.

A request was received from M&D Playhouse Theatre Arts Studio for $1000 for costumes for Beauty and the Beast which will include children in the cast. A Motion was made to donate $500 for costumes. All in favor. Russs in looking into the possibility of purchasing tickets at discount for children to attend performances.

Motion to donate $250 to MWV Soccer to sponsor one traveling team.

First Joan

Second Joe

All in favor.

Motion to donate $1000 to White Mountain Heath Dental Program.

First Peter

Second Diane

All in favor.

Motion to donate $500 to Bear Camp Valley School. Abby was asked to include in next year's budget.

First Dick

Second Joe

All in favor.

A request was received from Conway Historical Society to purchase a corporate membership. It was felt this was outside our mission. Janice will speak with them to see if there is a way to benefit children more directly.

No action was taken on a request from the Laura Foundation. This has been referred to the Asset Allocation Committee.

A request was received from the Western Maine Recreation Assoc. (Ham Arena) for $8000 for new skates. Peter DeVeau offerred to discuss this request options with them.

Distributions from Budget

The following donations were made per our budget so they did not require separate discussion or vote by Board.

68 Hours of Hunger $2000

RSVP $500

MWV Chamber Leadership Program $500

Kismet Rock Foundation $1000

MWV Children's Museum $1000

Children Unlimited $1000

Copper CAnnon Campership $450

North Conway Community Center $1000

Janice told the board she would be going to Kiwanis headquarters in Indianapolis to train to be the NH K Kids Administrator.

Motion to adjourn at 8 :33 p.m. 

First Abby

Second Barb

All in favor

End of Minutes