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June 8, 2016 Minutes  



Board Minutes
June 8, 2016

Board Members in Attendance: Barbara Reilly, Diane Gamache, Dick Ficke, Joan Kenney, Allen Gould, Norm Gamache, Dan Andrews, Joe Kwasnik, Liz Hughes, Abby O’Haire

Non-Board Members in Attendance: Dennis Pidherny, Joan Pidherny, Jim MacMillan, Barry Chisolm

Call to Order:

  • Norm called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM.        

Financial Examiner’s Report:

  • Prepared and presented by Dennis Pidherny
  • Represents data from the fiscal year ending March 31st
  • Findings—
    • There is need for more attention to detail concerning the Charitable account; We need to be extra careful as this account carries the 501(c)(3) status.
      • In some cases there are donations made out of the account for which approval does not appear in the Board minutes
      • In other cases, unbudgeted expenses are paid from the account and approval of those payments does not appear in the Board minutes.
      • In a few cases, payments that should have been made out of the Admin account were actually made from the Charitable account.
  • Suggestions—
    • President’s Discretionary Fund—The Board could approve a small discretionary fund for the President each year. The Board would need to vote on this amount and set limits and this would be recorded in the Board minutes. Each time the President used monies from that fund, he would then report that back to the Board at the following Board meeting and that would also be reflected in the minutes.
    • A&E Payments Form—Dennis suggested that each payment from the A&E Checking Account be recorded with the attached form. The vendor receipt should be attached to this form and not just the credit card receipt. This would allow for a periodic check of the expenses for this account.
    • Delegation of Treasurer Duties & the Report Back—Many duties that a Treasurer would normally handle are delegated to committee and their chairpersons (ie. collection of dues, proceeds of the Passport Book) but ultimately the Treasurer is responsible for our finances. It is suggested that the Treasurer receive reports of accounting from this situations for the checks and balances system. Allen suggests that he receive report outs at the first of each month so that he is able to compare them to his accounting and report that at each Board meeting.
    • Asset Allocation Committee—It is suggested that the Board consider increasing the maximum donation amount for this committee form $15,000 to $25,000.
    • Scholarship Committee—It is suggested that the Board charge the Scholarship Committee with the task of improving the scholarship program
  • The Board would like the minutes to reflect that we sincerely thank Treasurer Allen for his work with the finances of our Club.
  • The Board would also like the minutes to reflect our appreciation of Dennis Pidherny’s financial examination and his comprehensive report. His findings and suggestions are very meaningful to our service.

April Secretary’s Report:

  • Motion to accept the report as is.
  • First made by Joan, second made by Barbara.
  • Motion passes. (9-0-0)

April Treasurer’s Report:

  • This report shows that we have less monies in the bank at this time this year than we did at this time last year.
  • Passport Book revenue is coming in and over $7,000 was deposited yesterday which is not reflected on this report.
  • Motion to accept the report as is.
  • First made by Joan, second made by Barbara.
  • Motion passes. (9-0-0)

Donation Requests—

Jasmine Schmidt, request to assist with funding to attend a Harvard Summer Program

  • Total cost of the program is $11,000; the family has already paid the total amount.
  • Motion to provide $5,000 to the Schmidt family to assist with the cost of the Harvard Summer Program.
  • First made by Joe, second made by Dick.
  • Motion passes. (9-0-0)
  • The Board asks that Key Club Advisor Barry ask Jasmine and family for an acceptance letter to the program and a statement of proof for the full payment they have already made to the program.
  • Barry will also ask if Rotary is interested in matching our donation.

National Child Identification Program, request for funds to purchase ID kits for children in the Valley

  • Request submitted by Nancy Marquis.
  • Motion to provide $1,500 to purchase these ID Kits at the discounted rate before June 15th.
  • First made by Barbara, second made by Diane.
  • Motion passes. (9-0-0)
  • The Board recommends that Nancy create a committee of members to carry out this initiative.

Other Business—

            Bylaw Committee Update:

  • Janice, Barbara and Abby are in the process of review the Bylaws and Polices A-M. These will be submitted to the Board for review and input during the summer. We will outline exactly what needs the most attention from Board members.
  • The hope is to have a final draft to present to the Board at the first Board meeting in September. After that, they will be presented to the general membership for a vote. At that time, they will be submitted to Kiwanis International.

New England & Bermuda Kiwanis District Convention:

  • August 18-21, 2016, Cromwell, CT
  • Our Club is able to send 3 delegates, who are typically the President, President-Designate, and one other member.
  • The membership will need to vote on the recommendations at the next meeting. Please see President Norm if you are interested in being a delegate to our District Convention.

Membership Booklet:

  • Continuing to be revised and a draft copy will soon be coming to the President, President-Elect, and Membership Chair.

Publicity Committee:

  • It is recommended that the Board create a committee that consists of members of other committees that could provide input on items to report out on in the form of positive publicity in the Valley.


  • Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 PM.
  • First made by Allen, second made by Liz.
  • Motion passes. (9-0-0)

Board Minutes - June 26 Vote

A motion was made by Susan via email to give $500 (gold sponsorship level) to Easter Seals Sno-Mo Fundraiser in support of a summer camp run by Easter Seals. Abby was the second. Seven more positive votes were received by emails giving a majority decision to proceed with the gift.