Events for September 19, 2018 - April 25, 2018
Club Meeting Schedule
Guests are always welcome at our meetings! We typically meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the Ledgeview Grill, located at 76 Norcross Circle, North Conway, NH, inside the North Conway Country Club (next to the train station). Our meetings often feature guest speakers from fields such as business and finance, health and human services, education, government, sports, and other local non-profits.
- Social Time: Arrive at 5:30 p.m. for cocktails.
- Meeting: Begins at 6:00 p.m. and concludes by 8:00 p.m.
- Dinner: Three meal options, including a vegetarian choice, are available for $25 (the first meal for prospective members is complimentary), which includes dessert and coffee. A cash bar is also offered.
Board Meetings:
Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 4:30 PM at the North Conway Community Center, 78 Norcross Cirle, North Conway, NH. All members are welcome to attend.
For more information, please contact Club Secretary Charlie Mallar at or
Review of Youth Protection Guidelines
Tony Ammendolia will lead this annual training session required by Kiwanis International on how to protect our youth.
Business and Board Meeting
Remember early meeting with social time beginning at 5 p.m. and make dinner selection by 5:30 p.m. please.
Speaker from Goodwill Americorps
Maggie Ringey of Goodwill AmeriCorps will talk about mentoring NH at-risk students in hopes of improving their engagement at school.
Speaker from Conway Humane Association
Our speaker at this meeting is Virginia Moore who is the Director of the Conway Humane Association. She will talk about their services and the need and planned use of an expanded community building.
Speaker Brian Fitzgerald, Mt. Washington Observatory
Brian will talk about the observatory and specifically about the Artic Wednesdays program which we funded.
Business and Board Meeting
Remember this is an early meeting with social time at 5 p.m. Please make dinner selection by 5:30 p.m.