Youth Protection Hotline

Kiwanis International has established 866-607-SAFE (7233), a confidential helpline to report any incident, situation, or behavior that might put a youth at risk or in which someone feels unsafe. The helpline is staffed 24 hours a day through our partnership with Praesidium, one of the leading safety experts in the United States.

Who can use the helpline?
Kiwanis members, Service Leadership Program advisors, SLP members, such as Aktion Club, Builders Club, K-Kids, Key Club, and CKI, faculty advisors, parents, Kiwanis professionals in North America — or anyone who thinks a youth involved in Kiwanis is at risk.

When should the helpline be used?
Anytime a person thinks a youth has been harmed or their safety and well-being are at risk, or when someone has reported an incident to you. Here are some examples:

    • Violations of Kiwanis International Youth Protection Guidelines.
    • Reports of inappropriate conduct and actions between youths and/or youth and adults.
    • Complaints from youth about inappropriate or unwanted touching and/or contact.